Micro SaaS Magic Masterclass Just Added

The Best $10 You Have Ever Spent Online
or I'll personally pay you $100
this short video will give you a good idea on what is waiting for you on the inside.

What will you find inside for just five little dollars ($10)?

$500+/month of epic software

I've included a little over $500/month of software in here (people are actually paying that much for the software inside, maybe even you)
  • Email Marketing Software: Software that helps you create more engaging emails. People pay $49/month for this
  • Facebook Friends List Cleaner: very useful software that will help you get more organic reach and engagment on facebook by removing inactive friends. People pay $59.99/month for this
  • Post Contest Software: Turns your facebook posts into viral contests and giveaways to help you generate leads and make sales. People pay $9.99/month for this.
  • Birthday Wishing Software: Automatically sends happy birthday wishes via messenger and posts on your friends wall. Helps you start conversations and build relationships. People pay $47/month for this. 
  • Personal Profile Chatbot: A chatbot autoresponder for your personal facebook profile. Saves you time and drives leads and sales while you sleep. People pay $97/month for this. 
  • ​4 other epic software: There's 4 other epic software included are mentioned in FAQ below. People pay $300+/month for them. 

Training Programs

There are several training programs to help you develop more skills overall in business, mindset, and online marketing.
  • Viral Marketing Secrets: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • Bold Marketing: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • The Success Formula: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • Membership Evolution: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Product Launch Secrets: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​CTA Formulas: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Email Marketing Secrets: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Authority Marketing: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Digital Product Secrets: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Recurring Income Strategies: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Creator Economy: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Course Economy: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​ChatGPT Masterclass: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​Micro SaaS Magic: Sells for $97 one time payment
  • ​More will be added: and they will all be worth at least $1

there's even more epic things included in this offer, but I don't want to "sell" you on spending $10, but I will guarantee you this....

If you don't feel like this is the best $10 you have ever spent on the internet, I will personally pay you $100

Have A Look Inside The Company I've Been Able To Build Thanks To The Information Inside This Membership Program

But why I am I charging you $10

I think we can agree that charging you $10 to enter is basically the same as  giving you this for FREE, there's just one small difference. 

It took me a good amount of time and energy to get this all set up. Insdie here you'll find a lot of free content, some of which I sell in other places, and I've even included 9 FREE software's that I also sell in other places. 

By simply charing you $10 to get access to everything I know you are 10 times more likely to actually login and take action on everything in here which is the only way this will help you in the first place, and that's what I want, to actually help you, and I know the only way to help you is if you actually take action on what's inside. 

So if the $10 is a problem for you, that's fine as you are most likely the type of person that wasn't going to do anything with the information and software that's on the inside in the first place. 
Only $10/month
$9 One Time Fee
$60/year (billed yearly)
$100 one time payment
Full Name:
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

ONE TIME OFFER $9: I've put in $1,000's of value inside this offer for just $1. If you'd like to repay the favor and make a small donation to help the orphange we are partnered with, the children and I would 200% appriciate it. Your small donation will go a very very long way to help feed, cloth, and educate them, and I am giving you $1,000's here for just $1. So if you want to also give and make a donation it will go a long way, and you'll most likely get some great karma in return, at the least you'll help those in dire need that deserve it the most.

For just a small donation of $9, you can help supply food, water, clothes, and education for the children in the orphanage pictured above.

Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
I agree to the Terms & Conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this really just $10 or are there any hidden charges?
Yes this is really just a $10/month payment. There are NO HIDDEN CHARGES. You just pay $10/month  and that's it and you get acess to the membership site and everything listed on this page. And yes I do have many other amazing things that you can buy. 
What about the software is it free or just a free trial?
The free software is just that. It's FREE as in it's included in your membership.  I also do actually sell (and people buy) all the software I've put in here for free. But yes, they are included in your membership, not just some free trial.
How do I get my $100 if I don't think this is the best $5 I ever spent?
I don't see how that would be possible, but if you really don't feel that this is the best $10 you ever spent online, just drop me a personal message on facebook to my personal Facebook account HERE and I'll send you $100 via paypal. For my official refund policy please see HERE
What software is included. 
Everything listed below. Total Value Software Programs: $500+/month ($6,000+/year)

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Jon Vaughn - All Rights Reserved - Terms Of Service